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Darksiders 2 Patch angekündigt
Autor: crack-king29. August 2012, 10:17

Darksiders 2 hat auf den Konsolen leider mit dem ein oder anderem Problem zu kämpfen, doch glücklicherweise nimmt sich Vigil Games der Sache an und hat nun einen Patch angekündigt, der folgende Sachen beheben soll:

  • A few crashes in Blackstone, including at the 2nd lever and during the Lilith cut-scene. 
  • A crash occurring when proceeding back to the Cauldron after completing it.
  • The Custodian falling through the bridge in the Foundry when back-tracking through the dungeon.
  • Spanish sub titles will be added to the North America version of Darksiders II.
  • Players will be able to back up their save without having to use an online save
  • Various fixes for the custodian getting fixed in the Foundry and the Scar
  • Progression blocker with the Chancellor, reported after crashing or doing the Crucible before going to the land of the dead.
  • Turning in 3 Stones of resistance awards the player properly.
  • Improved general stability

Wir danken unserem Leser Game-Player für die Einsendung dieser News.

Quelle: THQ

Infos zum Spiel
NameDarksiders 2
SystemPlayStation 3
EntwicklerVigil Games
USKab 16 Jahren
Preis59,99 €

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